Alcohol Policy
Alcohol may not be consumed on the premises without prior agreement from the Kotahi Manager prior to the event. The hirer is then responsible for obtaining a Special License if required and observing our alcohol policy, as outlined below:
If alcohol is to be served, it is to be done responsibly, ensuring that at all times the amount of alcohol available is carefully controlled and anyone showing signs of intoxication must not be served. ∙ If a Special Licence is required for your event, the approved licence application must be supplied to the Kotahi Manager prior to the event. Allow a minimum of 20 working days for the application process. ∙ Designated servers must serve drinks, rather than drinks being available for self-service. Designated servers must be adults and be willing to refuse to serve prohibited persons (i.e. minors and people who are intoxicated).
Alcohol-free beverages must be available for the duration of the event, as well as alternative low alcohol drinks.
Food must also be available in sufficient quantities to last throughout the event.
Ensure all reasonable steps are taken to ensure safe transport options are available. ∙ Persons responsible for the event (hirer) and persons selling or supplying alcohol must be aware of their responsibilities set down in the Sale And Supply Of Alcohol 2012:
o You may not sell/supply liquor to anyone under the age of 18 years. Check IDs when you suspect someone is underage and if in doubt, do not serve them.
o You may not sell/supply to anyone who is intoxicated, you may not allow anyone to become intoxicated and anyone who does must be removed from the premises.
o The hirer is responsible for what happens at the event and will be held accountable should offences be committed.
A person should be considered to be intoxicated if at the time the person is observably affected by alcohol to a sufficient degree that speech, coordination, appearance or behaviour is clearly impaired.
Do I need a Special Licence?
You need a special licence if you are:
selling alcohol at an event
charging an entry fee or collecting donations where alcohol is being supplied for free. ∙ This may include sporting events, concerts, private social gatherings (e.g. birthdays, weddings). ∙ You need to apply for a special licence least 20 working days before your event.
You do not need a special licence when the hirer is supplying alcohol or guests are bringing their own alcohol to a private event, as long as it is not open to the public.
A special licence cannot be issued for BYO events that are open to the public.
For more information or to apply for a Special Licence go to and search for special licence.
Tips for Hosts